シアターコモンズ’22  平和のための緊急ステートメント

 実際に会場に足を運んでくださった皆様、遠隔からご参加くださった皆様、アーティストやスタッフ、サポーターとして関わってくださったすべての皆様に感謝を申し上げます。昨年12月から現在に至る急速なオミクロン株感染拡大を受け、複数の海外演目の中止を含むプログラムの大幅な変更を余儀なくされましたが、結果的に大きな中断や混乱なく会期を終えられることに安堵しております。 3月31日まで、オンラインでの配信で引き続きお楽しみいただけますと幸いです。






シアターコモンズ実行委員長 相馬千秋

シアターコモンズ事務局チーム 一同



Theater Commons Tokyo ‘22 Urgent Statement for Peace


 Theater Commons Tokyo ‘22 closes today.

 We would like to express our gratitude to all those who visited the physical venues, those who participated remotely, and those who were involved as artists, staff, and supporters. Due to the rapid spread of the Omicron strain of COVID-19 from last December to the present, we have had to make major changes to our programs, including the cancellation of several international performances. In spite of this situation, we are relieved to have been able to run the festival successfully without any major interruptions or disruptions. We hope you will continue to enjoy our online programs, which will be open until March 31.

On February 24, as the festival was coming to a close, the Russian military invasion of Ukraine began. We realize, with immense sadness and indignation, that there are people who are suffering and being hurt by the violence of military aggression, even at this very moment, when we are presenting our work. We stand in solidarity with all those who are under this threat.

At the same time, Theater Commons Tokyo is realized through collaboration with many colleagues of different nationalities, including one from Russia. We imagine how anxious and sad she must be right now, coming from a country where she is not allowed to defy the forcible synchronization by the state. We care deeply for her and others like her who are struggling.

 Any attitude that separates friends from enemies based on nationality or ideology gives an excuse for acts of war based on our own righteousness. We oppose any menace that deprives individuals of their rights in the name of the state.

As a “commons” of international artistic creation, Theater Commons Tokyo will strive not to retreat from the values that humanity has acquired over a long period of time: freedom of expression and respect for human rights. In solidarity with all like-minded people, we stand by all those who are under threat at this very moment. Rather than lamenting that art is powerless in crises, we will continue to remember all the people who have lost their lives through the fight for freedom of expression and human rights and renew our commitment to explore art as a way of not forgetting their existence.


February 27, 2022

Chiaki Soma (Chairperson of the Theater Commons Tokyo Executive Committee) 

& Theater Commons Tokyo